Create and Implement Your Unique Personal Brand

6-Part Video Course

Create and Implement Your Unique Personal Brand


Join Michael S. Seaver as he walks you step-by-step through his process for creating deeply authentic personal brands. In this 6-part video course, you’ll learn how to write a personal mission statement, aligned goals, and a unique personal brand statement. Michael will lead you through a series of exercises that pull out your life’s most important moments, define your communication style, identify your motivators, and reveal your core values. By combing through this “data”, you’ll find patterns that will help offer you clarity and confidence about your life’s next steps. This course is designed to help leaders find clarity in their life’s purpose and choose careers, philanthropic pursuits, hobbies, and more that are deeply engaging, meaningful, and productive.



People who live their lives’ missions each day are –

• happier knowing their lives have specific meaning,

• engaged in daily activity that gifts them more energy, joy, and purpose,

• productive in the tasks and responsibilities that move them closer to their long-term goals,

• less regretful believing they took calculated risks,

• aligned in learning what they need to know to best serve those in their sphere of influence,

• leaving a profound legacy through their family, friends, companies, and others,

• purposefully adding value to others’ lives,

• full of energy and excited to take the day head on, and

• motivated to remain resilient through life’s ups and downs.

You’ll receive –

• 40+ page Talent Insights® report,

• processes, techniques, and resources to live your personal brand, and

• an implementation plan to apply the course’s principles at home and work.

This course is for you if you’re stuck in a disengaging career, unsure about what roles to pursue next, struggling to communicate your value to the marketplace, in relationships that extract your energy, unsure of the legacy you want to pass to the next generation, and want a step-by-step plan to launch forward authentically.


Our team is better aligned, communicates more efficiently and clearly, and we enjoy healthier interrelationships. He is a reliable, insightful, creative, generous and interested professional who uses unique guidance techniques and methodologies to guide his clients toward identifying and working towards their own best path in career and life.

Michelle Hoffman, CFO and COO, Real Time Consulting

